In our social relationships and professional  lives, we often find in our  friends,  colleague or bosses  some  habits, attitudes, or behaviors that we would like them to change. Everyone has something they want to change employees want to change their bosses' minds, bosses want their subordinates to change, clergy want to change devotees’ lack of faith, beliefs, behaviors and negative mindset, and leaders want to transform organizations have similar aspiration to change people’s mind.

 But to change another mind is extremely hard. Barring few behavioral experts and pastors, others most often take recourse to  pressure , coaxing  and cajoling, and despite best efforts often little  or no change. When people are asked how they have tried to change someone's mind, most experts discover that  that most of the people  focus on pressure or pushing tactics a few on influential and leading by example. Could there be a better way to reduce resistance to change?

When we are open-minded and flexible, we can overcome adversaries by our manners, behaviors, and dealings. We have seen years after years that flexible trees can survive tornadoes and windstorms, but tall, sturdy giant trees get uprooted from the soil and never retakes roots.

 The same analogy applied to human relations. Egoistic people will always do the thing that makes or break and break relationships forever. In contrast, a humble and soft-spoken person using a God-given glib can win over the hearts of the adversaries and mend relations but never break relationships forever. This is the art of human relations that we people  must learn to survive and thrive in this new era.

 So, the first rule is when dealing with people whom you have to change or accept a new viewpoint is Agree to Disagree” That you listen and then give your perspective in such a manner that the next person would get a feeling that you are likely to accept his viewpoint. The second rule, do not Criticize, Condemn, or complain without personal open-ended dialogue.

The best way to get your point across and have the other person listen to you and adopt the desired feedback is for you to shower the most effusive praise you have ever bestowed upon someone. And then give the bitter pill that now on, I wish you would be a little more careful with your …….( language, attitude or work et al. ) it is always easier to listen to unpleasant things after we have heard some praise of our good points as we have seen at the Barber Shop and Dentists shops what they do. A barber will talk to you about things that you might like to listen to, and at the same time, leather you shave before pulling the sharp knife fitted with a razor blade to shave you.

 A dentist will also give you warm greetings and talk to you about pleasant things and give you some encouraging words while preparing the injection to pierce into your soft gums to numb them for a deep cleaning painful process. The dentist always starts with praise, a pleasing smile, and pain killing injection but still has you bear with the root canal or drilling.

Therefore, in interpersonal relationships, to help people change their behavior, you must always listen actively, do not interrupt, and always be courteous in conversations. The secret to making someone change his/her behavior and mind is to first start with praise, compliments, and sincere appreciation for all the good in the other person and then give your suggestion, deliver bad news, or bitter feedback. This way, you open the other person and win their confidence, which makes it easier for the person to follow your suggestion or advice. A great Leader always begins with praise and honest appreciation.

 The more you can explain objectively what is something that is happening and why it matters for the other persons own development , for their career or for the business , or social relationships, the better off you are, and the other person is in being able to understand it and act upon the constructive suggestion or feedback. You must me adroit and skillful in making sure that you always make the other person happy about the things you suggest him to do.

 Anytime you want someone to do something for you. You would communicate in a way that the other personal thought he was doing a favor  for you  to do something that was in fact for his own need, or he want to do. Many prominent and influential  statemen  and politicians have this art mastered to” Make a person Happy to do things that you want them to do approach.

 The influential leader should keep in mind that to change anyone’s mind or behaviors one need to be very sincere. Do not promise that you can not deliver. Do it for the other persons sake and not for your own sake and focus on the benefits to the other person. Know in advance what you want the other person to do in terms of change of attitude, behaviors, or Habits.  Be empathetic and understanding in knowing exactly what the other person really wants or desire.

 Also focus on “ WIIFT” What is in it for the other person, consider what benefit the other person will receive from following your advice or guidance.  Strive to match the expected benefits that the other person wants as against what benefits you will deliver. When you communicate the request put it in such as way that the other person will feel it will benefit him or her. Highlight the benefits the other person will enjoy because of following your advice or request. ‘ For example.. if you do this you will not have to do it .Only doing this action it will convey the best image or our association or the organization. Its more likely that the other person will follow your guidance or advice from these approaches rather  than not following your guidance at all. To sum up this approach, Make the other person happy about doing the things you suggest or recommend.

Whatever situation we are in, whatever we dislike or hate about other persons, we should still use your influential skills to bring positive change.  No one’s relationship is perfect, but we can start with a new attitude learning from the past. Never burn the bridges of relationships as you never know when and where you might need that person again. When you are having a bad day with someone, you do say things you do not mean. Start something in this world is easy; maintaining it is tricky, especially in relationships, as we are changing entities in our behaviors, attitudes, and thoughts, and if you reflect on your own life, you are not the same person you were 10 -20 years ago. We evolve through life experiences.

 Some Helpful Resources on You Tube: 

How can you change someone's mind?  Watch a Video:
How to change other people’s Behaviors?
The Catalyst: How to Change Anyone's Mind-Jonah Berger.How to Change Minds: The Art of Influence without Manipulation- Rob Jules Emotional Intelligence: 
Why It Can Matter More Than IQ- Daniel Goleman



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