The Essence of Bhagavad Geeta: The Art of Self Realization

The Essence of Bhagavad Geeta: The Art of Self Realization

By: Mahendra S. Rathore.

 We are formed and molded by our thoughts. Those whose minds are shaped by selfless thoughts give joy when they speak or act. Joy follows them like a shadow that never leaves them. THE BUDDHA

 This life of man on the earth can be compared to a boat which is sailing on the sea by name (Earthly Word) Samsara. For the boat to reach across safely the oarsman should be a guru ( Spiritual Master)  who knows how to help man transcend the ocean of pain, miseries, and untold sufferings. Such competent spiritual masters are hard to find in this world. But, when found, he will do his utmost to steer your boat safely into the realms of heavenly abode. Such an accomplished spiritual teacher can be said to be “ I am the breeze, the favorable breeze which will waft the boat safely. Without these two, the boat will sink, meaning, man will, forever, be sunk in the morass called Samsara -materialistic world of miseries and sufferings  and one  will never find freedom from it.

 Living in the Maya (illusions) yet be above it like an ice cube in glass of water or lotus flower in a muddy pond. It  has its origin in it, yet it is floating above it. Everyone must play the game of life there are no exceptions. And when you play the game you will bet lost in it  and our efforts must be to play the game of life predetermined by our previous lives karmas and but do not get identified with the game is how we win the game of life. The Nish Karam Karma.

 We are stuck in your mayavic world because you are responsible for your thoughts, but you are not your thoughts. You can only become something that you are . You can never become something that you are not. So, your true nature is not what we are love compassion purity and abundance are our true personality. And the easiest way to change our circumstance is to mentally disassociate yourself from the agent of wrongful thinking and associate yourself with the agent of positive change or SELF transformation or an opportunity to regain our lost paradise aka, the true authentic SELF, or our nature. The process of thoughts, lead to eventually a personality that one identifies with. The sequence is as follows:  Thoughts>> Experience,>> circumstances >>> and personality.

 Purusha is the real goal and the grasahta (Family)  life is the battlefield which helps me to remember Purusha is the ideal one. When you constantly aspire and aim to rise above the mayavic creation when you remember purusha you rise above the prakriti thru the help of accomplished spiritual master.

  In this sphere of Maya or base level your thoughts are predominantly based on the power of reasoning, but we often direct most of our thoughts to around the material level pleasures and bodily enjoyments. When you mind is saturated with lower level of thought or vibrations you only perceive the materials world riches and continue to cling to the muddled earthly world. And this leads one into a vicious cycle of desires knows no end.

 When you elevate or step up these vibrations of your mind further you break free from the mind and intellect and move beyond the body and mind into the world of super your thoughts move is now uplifted and more based on the power of divine  inspiration. Thoughts vibrations determine your identification, and any change of mental vibrations is now transmuting to a heightened awareness.

 The whole pursuit of human life is the consistently regulate and train our minds in such a way that mind to be confined in the heart and the life force in the crown. This is truly an effect, and the cause of this state is Yoga- a fierce resolve to transcend the self-imposed limitation and achieve the merger with the divine. By constantly nurturing this strong though and powerful should stirred intention that well surely drive you to take the right actions to get the desired goal one day.

 When your mind is at  a lower vibration any work that you do will be influenced by hidden desired or motives , when your mind is at a higher vibration the agents of desires no longer rule over you. You will be free to work when you have mastered the art of inner renunciation and mental detachment. If you harbor the thoughts of me I and mine you are bound by your work good or bad when you knowingly or inadvertently fail to appreciate the flaws of attachments or sense of doing.

 The practice of  meditation is a yoga of detachment from karmic burden that sets you free from the law of karma. The law of karma operations through the base impression stored in your mind. The field of impression is your own crop or your own creation. if you have sown the seed of a painful impression the law of karma simply united the impression with a relevant experience. When you master the yoga of uniting the impression with the experience there would no longer be a need for the law of karma to influence you. You would have become our own influence.  The pain that you were supposed to experience through a future event or person would no longer be necessary for you have become the agent of the experience of pain.


We often curse destiny and blame all and everything to law of karma and your destiny. What is the destiny? What we call destiny is nothing but the unseen impressions waiting to express itself as the experience. Through the practice of Sahaj Marg meditation  we can change our destinies. You and I can stop a future painful experience if I practice the meditation and cleaning regularly and clear the field of impression and frankly experience the true meaning of pain it was intended to deliver to you.

 As our Master says that work bound by your own nature though defective should not be abandoned as all works are covered with the flaws as fire is with smoke. Work or Karma is the cause for one to scale the peak of yoga and detachment. The yoga of mind mediation is geared to give us power to discrimination and inner detachment which we improve through continuous improvement of our rigor and due practice.

 The real beauty of life lies in transcending our limitation and achieve transcendence. Anyone and everyone can transcend. The higher the level of your thoughts and vibrations, the higher the transcendence. Evaluating our thoughts and expanding our love for all is the real key to transcendence. We can raise our consciousness and go from lower thought the higher utopian truth. And our spirits and mental abilities and heart grows softer and purer, and the spirit keep soaring higher and higher as we grow spiritually.

 We must know hearts in hearts that you are not your thoughts, you are not your circumstance, you are not your experiences, and you are becoming more spiritual and growing in heartfulness aw your innate ability to transcend. Transcendence is the real teaching of all our great spiritual masters for they all were masters of transcendence in their own lives. We as practitioners also have the courage, power, and deep conviction with the help of our  spiritual  guide to transcend.

 The law of Karma , the laws of samskaras, law of time and all other laws of nature no longer bind us when we have mastered the yoga of equanimity and transcendence. Always remember the example of the tender sprout and how to makes its way pas the formidable earth and springs up at time through the crevices of impenetrable rocks in the mountains. Transcendence is that aspect of our true beings , everyone can and must transcend with un dejected mind and fierce souls.

 Be interested in our own spiritual evaluation you cannot conquer all the objective environments and circumstances or get rid of every person, problems and every uncomfortable even you encounter in your life. However, like an endangered fish who thinks if I could evolve wings and become a bird I could fly and get rid of all monstruous big fishes surrounding  in the water.  Just like a little fish you too can evolve wings and become a bird to soar high in the sky. You take a mental flight Lord Shri Krishan said Knowledge is superior to repeated efforts, and Meditation is superior to knowledge. And renunciation of all fruits of your actions is far superior to meditation. And this inner renunciation is borne of out of transcendence and help one win peace and power immediately. So. Revered Lord Krishna Ji exhorts Arjuna to transcend. Rev. Lord Krishna Ji said to Arjuna, “  Always remember me and fights. Fixing  your mind and intellect on me .Rid of all doubts you will surely attain me for you are very dear to me.”

 Do not deceive yourself by thanking that you have come to this world to enjoy the materialistic accomplishment, enjoy power, ephemeral glories, wealth, name fame and riches. No matter how many times you might convince yourself that materialistic life be and end all one day you will have to transcend it. If under the guide or guru if you start early you gain a massive advantage to live an admirable life and get the riches of the brighter world which is the ultimate union with the beloved god.

Albert Einstein after reading Bhagavad Geeta wrote, “ When I read the Bhagavad Gita and reflect how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous.”

 “You may be the greatest philosopher but if you have the idea that you are the body, you are no better than the little worm crawling under your foot! No excuse for you! So much the worse for you, that you know all the philosophies and at the same time think you are the body! Body-gods that is what you are! Is that religion”? Swami Vivekananda

 You and I appear to be separate. We differ in color, size, and shape. Differences in ideas, tastes, and prejudices mark us as individuals to be reckoned with. Beneath this apparent division, however, hidden deep within each of us is the oneself  eternal, infinite, ever perfect. This is the closely guarded secret of life: that we are all caught up in a divine masquerade, and all we are trying to do is take off our masks to reveal the pure, perfect Self within.

 In our present condition, we have forgotten we are wearing masks. Fortunately, the Self will not allow us to forget him, but keeps on calling to us. To find the Self, we must look deep within ourselves. When we succeed, our purpose in life will be fulfilled, and all our anger against others will melt into unfathomable love, all our fear of others into unshakable security.

 Isha (Yajur Veda) Upnishads clearly state that those who cultivate ignorance goes into blinding darkness The opening words are a Vasyam Idam Sarvam. Meaning , “ All this universe is filled with Lord” here Vasaym root is “VAS” which means enter “or Dwell within” . Or Very Self “I am” “ Soham Asmi” my SELF is the Purusha . Asus- Supreme personality residing in the heart of life (ASUM I am. We must take the whole universe as the expression of the oneself Then only our love flows to all beings and creatures in the world equally.  SWAMI RAMDAS

 There is a spark of divinity in every human being and that to realize this divinity must be our highest goal. Hence, if we have deep love for the lord of love and for your Guru( spiritual teacher) , this light of this teaching will shine in our hearts eternally and just know it will shine eternally without any doubt.



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