Dynamic Public Speaking – Strategies For Memorable Delivery

Dynamic Public Speaking – Strategies for Memorable Delivery

Mahendra S. Rathore, MBA BA(Hon) CFP® ChFC® CRPC® CLU® CHE® PMP® 

Most of us watch the presidential debates, CNBC & ABC's "Shark Tank programs, and find that the real winners are those who possess oratorical powers. We observe that the most successful leaders are outstanding, influential leadership with excellent public speaking skills. And to succeed in life, everyone must be inspired, encouraged & supported for life skills- public speaking, vital for success in every sphere of life. It is crucial to develop a vision & strategy to ignite the passion & purpose for being the best speaker and a presenter in this context. Most successful speakers have discovered that public speaking is not a brave adventure, but it is about a growth mindset and honing motor skills. Toastmaster International is a great platform to develop public speaking skills. TM® International has structured pathways for the seeker to pursue. I have benefited by awakening and inspiring me to sharpen my saw- expressing my thoughts with passion, purpose, and values effectively and engagingly.

The Art of Public Speaking:

Whether delivering a speech, participating in a debate, pitching a business proposal, speaking during a team meeting, leading a webinar or conference call, demonstrating product sitting in a panel, recording your podcast, or YouTube video, We need the speaking and presentation skills. Regardless of the subject or audience, public speaking is about conveying your expertise, thoughts, or ideas to a group. And this requires you to focus on the audience and be solely focused on creating a compelling experience for them. and completely forget about yourself.- your status, your image, and your positions or reputation. Change your focus to the topic and what you love about the tops or discussion will help divert the energy and mind from the fear of nervousness. In short, the only way to overcome shyness, anxiety, and fear is to become fully engaged in the mission and get excited and invested in making an impact on the topic that you forget your feelings of fear and nervousness.

Self-Confidence, Courage, and Character:

In public speaking, your thoughts and mindset make a huge difference. In sharing an idea or presentation of debates, one must think like talking with people about a specific purpose, and that means you must be authentic and genuinely engage from our hearts. Brain and body gestures George Bernard Shaw said about communication," the single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." Communicating clearly and effectively in the workplace is one of the keys to career success. "To secure personal advancement, it is much more profitable to be eloquent than to be wise and grave in the council.—London Daily Telegraph. As a Man Thinketh By James Allen. Allen provides prime requisites of a successful speaker: an abiding self-confidence and sincerity, and personality.

All effective speaking and dynamic leadership of men emanates from practical thinking. We have seen this small message has become a prodigious power in the lives of several great men. A man is literally what he thinks in his heart.Similarly, every act of man springs from his thoughts hidden sources, and results could not have appeared without hidden thoughts. Ancient Hindu scripture Maitri Upanishad states, "One becomes like that which is in one's mind- this is the everlasting secret and most of all to the courage to discovering ourselves a desperately needed higher image of the human beings.

Similarly, the opening verse of the Buddha's Dhammapada: "All that we are is the result of what we have thought," this is the eternal law. "His character is the sum of all his thoughts. As the saying goes, today's mighty oak is the hollow seed strewn around by wild winds. A mighty oak tree or any plant cannot spring without a seed.

We also must understand that from nothingness, everything emanates. Peaceful, uncluttered thoughts ridden mind can tap into the inner ingenuity. We see that seed is usually hollow and from a hollow spring forth a plant, and that in time becomes a giant tree. The same applied to the human mind with an empty, thoughtless mind can bring Alpha to Omega wisdom. The same logic is equally applicable to those human acts we call either spontaneous or unpremeditated than those deliberately executed.

Design your Destiny by Sowing the right seeds:

An act is the blossom of thought, and joy and sufferings are its fruits, thus a man garner in the sweet and bitter fruitage of his own husbandry. Thought in mind is what has made us what we are today. What we are by thought was brought and built. If a man's mind harbors evil thoughts, pain comes on him as comes the wheel of Ox behind. If one cultivates and endures the purity of thought, joy follows him as his own Shadow for Sure.Billionnaire

Mr. Warren Buffett explaining the importance of Public Speaking skills:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHBRIzhbQ10

A noble and God-like character is not a thing of favor or chance. However, it is the natural result of continuous effort and right thinking, the effect of long-cherished association with God-like thoughts. By the same process, an ignoble and bestial character results from continued harboring of groveling thoughts. The man is the master of thought, the molder of character, and the maker and shaper of conditions, environment, and destiny.

Harnessing the Transformative Power Within:

As a being of power, intelligence, love, and the master of his own thoughts, a man holds the key to every situation. He contains within himself that transformative and regenerating agency by which he may make himself what he wills.Just as the garner cultivates his plot, keep it free from weeds, growing the flowers and fruits which he requires, so may a man tend the garden of his mind, weeding, out all the wrong, useless, and impure thoughts, and cultivating towards perfection the flowers and fruits of right, useful and pure thoughts. By pursuing this process, a man sooner or later discovers that he is the master -garner of his mind and soul, the director of his life. He also reveals within himself the law of thoughts. 

Men understands how the thought -forces and mind elements operate to shape his character, circumstances, and ultimate destiny with ever-increasing accuracy. Swami Vivekananda said, "A man is the creator of his destiny." What you conceive transmutes into a thought, and what you think in your mind leads to the action. Actions into behavior and behavior repeated over a time become a habit, and habits lead to be behavior and, ultimately, behavior leads to character and destiny. 

Relationship between Thoughts, Character & Destiny:

Thought and character are interlinked. As a character can only manifest and discover itself through environment and circumstance, the outer conditions of a person's life will always be found to be harmoniously related to his inner mental state. So, in some way, circumstances one faces are intimately connected with some vital thought element within himself that, for the time being, they are indispensable to his development. Positive thoughts and actions can never produce bad results, and evil thoughts and actions never yield good results. As the adage goes, "What you sow, so shall you reap. Or nothing can come from corn but corn nothing from nettles but nettles. Men understand this natural law of nature and work with it. But very few understand it in the mental or moral world; they do not cooperate with this law. 

The circumstance men suffer his own making and all circumstances with suffering result from their own mental inharmony. Indignance and indulgence are the two extremes of wretchedness. They both are unnatural. The product of a mental disorder's man is not rightly conditioned until he is happy, healthy, and prosperous and happiness, health, and prosperity are the results of harmonious adjustments of the inner with the outer surroundings.

Planting the Seeds of Purity, Peace, Success, Health, and Wealth: 

self-seeking thoughts crystalize into the habits of self-seeking, which leads into circumstance more or less distressing . on the other hand, beautiful views of all kinds crystallizes into habits of grace, humility and kindliness, which solidify into genial and sunny circumstance, pure thoughts crystallizes into habits of temperance ,and self-control , which solidify into circumstance of repose and peace, thoughts of courage , self-reliance, and decision crystallize into manly habits , which solidify into the circumstances of calm, success , plenty, abundance and freedom; energetic thoughts crystalizes into habits of cleanliness and industry, which solidify into circumstances of pleasantness, gentle and forgiving, thought crystalizes into the habits of gentleness, which solidify into protective and preservative circumstances, loving and unselfish thought crystallizes into habit of self-forgetfulness for others , which solidify into circumstances of sure and abiding prosperity and true riches. A particular type of view persisted over time, whether good or bad, cannot fail to produce its results on the character and consequential circumstances.

Circumventing the Adverse Circumstances:

A man can not directly choose his circumstance, but he can choose his thoughts, which directly or indirectly are sure to shape his circumstances. Nature helps every person to gratify the des, which he most encourages, and opportunities are presented, which will most speedily bring the results to surface both the good and evil thoughts. This is a cardinal principle of nature. Let a man cease from his sinful, negative thoughts, and all the world will soften towards him, and be ready to help him; let him put away weak and sickly thoughts, and lo! Opportunities will spring up on every hand to aid his firm resolve, let him encourage good positive thoughts, and no hard fate ever bind him down to wretchedness and ill fame or shame. The world is your kaleidoscope, and the varying combinations of colors present to you at every succeeding moment are the exquisitely adjusted picture of your ever-moving thoughts.

Power of Positive Thoughts on Achieving Inner Desires:

The human will that forces unseen, the offspring of a deathless soul, can hew a way to any goal, through a wall of granite intervenes." Be not impatient in delay. But wait as one who understands, when spirits rise, and commands, The Celestial beings, and invisible powers are ready to obey." As you cannot have a sweet and wholesome abode unless you admit the air and sunshine freely into your rooms, so a healthy body and a bright, happy, and serene countenance can only result from the free admittance into the minds of thoughts of joy and God will and serenity.

A Man of passion and purpose should conceive a legitimate purpose in his heart and set out to accomplish it. He should make this purpose the centralizing point of his thought. It may take the form of anything spiritual or material life aim or objective according to his nature at the time being, regardless of what it may be, he should steadily focus his thought forces upon the object which he has set before him. He should focus and concentrate like sun rays falling on a glass that can burn a paper piece. He should make his purpose a supreme duty and devote himself to its attainment, not allowing extraneous thoughts to wander away into ephemeral fancies, longing, and imagining. A regulated mind and clear thinking leads to self-control and proper concentration of thought.

One should be so persistent and assiduous that even if you fails again and again to accomplish your purpose, the strength of character gained and will power acquired will be a measure of your real success, and this will accelerate motion for future power and triumphs in public speaking. Only in this way can the thoughts one gathers and focuses and resolution and energy one develops, which being done, there is nothing which may not be accomplished. Having conceived of a purpose, a man should mentally make out a straight pathway to its achievement., looking neither to the right nor the left (Just like a horse wearing blinkers walks straight towards its goal); self-doubts, anxiety and fears should be shunned vigorously; they are the disintegrating elements which break up the straight line of efforts, rendering it crooked and ineffectual and useless leading to confusion.

Conquer the Self-doubt and Fear:

The famous Motto of Stonewall Jackson states, "Never take counsel of your fears. The thoughts of doubt and anxiety never accomplish anything and never can ever. Fear = False Evidence Appearing Real.They always lead to failure. Purpose, energy, and dominant willpower to do, and all healthy thoughts cease when doubt and fear overtake our minds. Doubt and fear are the great enemies of knowledge, wisdom and success. He who encourages them, who does not slay them, thwarts himself every step of the way. The one who has conquered his doubts and fear has conquered failure. His very thought is alive with power, insights, and intuition to surmount all obstacles and difficulties with a brave and wise, practical positive thought approach. Such a man has successfully planted the purpose, and due course, they will bloom and bring forth fruits that do not fall prematurely to the ground.

When thoughts are aligned with a fearless purpose, they become a creative force. Men can understand this inevitable law of nature and knows he is ready to become something higher and more robust than a mere bundle of wavering thoughts and fleeting fluctuating sensations. He who can understand and embrace this and follows the science would command and become a reservoir of the conscious and intelligent wielder of his mental and spiritual powers. "It is never safe to look into the future with eyes of fear —E. H Harr.

A man can only rise, conquer, and achieve by lifting his thoughts. “Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.”  – William Shakespeare. Men can only remain weak, and abject, and miserable by not lifting his thoughts and mindset. There can be no progress or achievement without lifting thoughts above slavish animal indulgence. The higher he lifts his thoughts, the more manly, upright, and righteous he becomes, the greater will be his success, and the more blessed and enduring will be his legacy and achievements.

The Universe favors Honest, Magnanimous, and Virtuous:

The Universe does not favor the greedy, dishonest, and vicious, although it may sometimes appear to do so on the mere surface. It helps the honest, the magnanimous, the virtuous. History is replete with the teaching of our sages and saviors of all ages who have declared this principle in varying forms, and to prove and know it, a man has but to persist in making himself more and more virtuous by lifting his thoughts. Achievement of all kinds is the crown of efforts, the diadem of thought. By managing self-using self-control, resolutions, purity, righteousness, and will direct thought, a man ascends and recourse of animality, indolence, impurity, corruption, and confusion of thoughts a man descends. Thomas E. Wilson, President of Wilson and Company, Packers. said about Public speaking skills "This is the foundation of success nine times out of ten—hewing confidence in yourself and applying yourself with all you might to your work.

Strategies for Achieving your Dreams & Aspirations:

All achievements, whether in business, academic field, or religious/spiritual sphere, are all the result of definitely directed thoughts, are governed by the same law and principles, and are of the same method; the only difference lies in the object of attainment. One who cherished a beautiful vision or grand Ideal in his heart will one day surely realize it. Columbus cherished the vision of another world. He discovered it Copernicus fostered the vision of a multiplicity of worlds and a more expansive universe. He revealed it, Buddha beheld the vision of a spiritual world of stainless beauty and perfect peace, and he realized it by Nirvana. Emile Cone beautifully describes the power of intentional and mindset. "If you persuade yourself that you can do a certain thing, provided this thing be possible, you will do it, however difficult it may be. If, on the contrary, you imagine that you cannot do the simplest thing in the world, it is impossible for you to do it, and molehills become for you unscalable mountains. 

Therefore he cherishes your vision, loves your ideals, adores the music that stirs up your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts, for out them will grow all delightful conditions of mental purity and powerful intentions, all heavenly environment, of these if you but remain steadfast and allegiant to them the world of your choice will be built on rock solid foundation.

Dare to Dream Big 

Dream big dreams, aspire to achieve success, and as you drive, so shall you become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your Ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil. The most outstanding achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn, and the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul, a waking angel stirs up. Dreams are the seedling of realities. There are efforts in all human affairs, and there are results, and the strength of the effort is the performance measure. Chance is not, "Gifts, powers, material, intellectual, and spiritual possessions are the fruits of effort; they are thoughts completed, objects accomplished, visions realized. The vision that you glorify in your mind, the Ideal that you enthrone in your heart—this you will build your life by this you will become.

Be Calm, Confident, and Compelling: 

The calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom. It is the result of long and patient effort in self-control. Its presence indicates ripened experience and a more than ordinary knowledge of the laws and operations of thought. As Daniel Webster said, "Courage is the chief attribute to manliness."

Having learned how to govern himself, the calm man knows how to adapt himself to others; and they, in turn, reverence his spiritual strength and feel that they can learn of him and rely upon him. The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater his success, influence, and power for good. Even the ordinary trader will find his business prosperity increases as he develops a greater self-control and equanimity, for people will always prefer to deal with a man whose demeanor is strongly equable.

The strong, calm man is always loved, cared for and revered. He is like a shade-giving tree in a thirsty land or a sheltering rock in a storm, "Who does not love a tranquil heart, a sweet-tempered, balanced life? It does not matter whether it rains or shines or what changes come to those possessing these blessings, for they are always sweet, serene, calm and assuring.

Manifest Power of Character & Cherisma:

That exquisite poise of character which we call serenity is the last lesson of culture: it is the flowering of life, the fruitage of the soul. It is precious as wisdom. "How many people we know who sour their lives, who ruin all that is sweet and beautiful by explosive tempers, who destroy their poise of character, and make bad blood! It is a question whether the great majority of people do not ruin their lives and mar their happiness by lack of self- control. How few people we meet in life who are well balanced, who have that exquisite poise which is characteristic of the finished character!" Yes, humanity surges with uncontrolled passion, is tumultuous with ungoverned grief, is blown about by anxiety and doubt. Only the wise man, only he whose thoughts are controlled and purified, makes the winds and the storms of the soul obey him. Tempest-tossed-souls, wherever you may be, under whatsoever conditions, you may live, know this—in the ocean of life the isles of Blessedness.


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