Social Security Benefit Claiming Strategies
Social Security Benefit Claiming Strategies Mahendra S. Rathore , MBA BA (Hon) CFP® ChFC® CRPC® CLU® CHE® PMP® According to an AARP Study, there are 10,000 baby boomers reaching retirement age every day, additionally, 10,000 baby boomers are turning 65 every single day, and this trend is expected to continue into 2030. Providing guidance and navigating the convoluted, confusing and complex rules for Social Security benefits requires that an advisor possess an uncanny ability to cut through a myriad of complexities and help clients maximize their benefits. Social Security represents a significant source of income for most Americans. According to a Govt. statistic, Social Security benefits contributes to about 40% of an average retirees’ income. Although most Social Security recipients escape income taxes completely on all their benefits, middle- and upper-income level retirees must count to 85% of their benefits as reportable income. Social Security is a major portion of retirement i